Country Number Name of the practice Where is it implemented? (country and city) Who? (Name of the coordinating entity) For how long? (years of implementation) Types of practice Contact details Website / platform Short description + materials needed Source of information
ROMANIA 1 Tineri Lideri pentru Agricultura (Young Leaders for Agriculture) Bucharest, Romania Clubul Fermierilor Români (The Romanian Farmers Club) 5 months (octombrie 2023 – martie 2024) face-to-face course 0749 999 921, Training courses in the following areas: communication and public speaking, diplomacy and protocol, ...
ROMANIA 2 Curs de formare a Tanarului fermier (Young Farmer Training Course) Romania (online, face-to-face) Merlin Business Consulting S.R.L. 40h face-to-face course 0724 329 899;; Course duration: 40 hours Teaching Method: Online and/or Face to Face Improving farmers' knowledge f...
ROMANIA 3 Instalarea Tinerilor Fermier (Istallation of Young Farmers) Online, Romania Academia de Finantare (Academy of Finance) Unlimited time, online, at the beneficiary’s own pace Online course 0758902844; Pack of 10 online courses 124 video lessons available in the account The possibility to resume the c...
ROMANIA 4 Agropuzzle K.A.2 project Poland, Spain, France Chamber of Agriculture from Poland with partner from Romania Universitatea de Stiinte Agronomice si Medicina Veterinara Din Bucuresti (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Bucharest) For 3 years and 3 months from September 2018- December 2021 K.A.2 Erasmus+ project; Cooperation for innovation Romanian partner- Universitatea de Stiinte Agronomice si Medicina Veterinara Din Bucuresti; The project is generally aimed at keeping the topic of agriculture alive. Agricultural production pr...
ROMANIA 5 Agricultura Ecologica (Ecological Agriculture) Romania, live online, through the zoom application Creative Business Management agency The course lasts 3 days and is scheduled monthly from 09:00-16:00 online course; 0743.183.353 CERTIFICATION MODULE, 7 hours: On the first day of the course, Dr. Ing. Aurelia Grecu will present t...
ROMANIA 6 Education in rural entrepreneurship through producing and valorising of medicinal and aromatic plants K.A.2 project Romania, Latvia, Poland and Sweden Eco Herbal Romania (S.C. ECO HERBAL I.S. S.R.L.) Small/medium sized enterprise 2 years, from September 2016- September 2018 K.A.2 project, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices nr phone 0737133509 The activities were accompanied by five transnational project meetings where the expertise and ideas...
ROMANIA 7 Green practices and Competences towards the Environmental sustainability K.A.2 project Romania and Italy Cristian-Sibiu Mountainology Research-Development Institute; Research Institute/Centre 1 year and 1 month from May 2023- April 2023 K.A.2 project; Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices; Small-scale partnerships in ...; +40 (0)269 579 408 GREEN-COM is promoted by 4 organisations from RO and IT (2 newcomers and 2 less experienced organisa...
ROMANIA 8 Studies Practises In Agricultural High School Students Croatia, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey Nicolae Balcescu Technological High School; School/Institute/Educational centre – Vocational Training (secondary level) 2 years; October 2022- September 2024 K.A.2 project; Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices; Cooperation partnerships in ... nr +40247312758 3 major activities are planned WP2, WP3, WP4: • By increasing the knowledge and experience of agri...
ROMANIA 9 CooPerformance - Digital, state-of-the-art agribusiness education for farmer led entreprises in the agri-food value chain Germany, Romania, Spain University og Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania; Higher education institution (tertiary level) 2.5 years from November 2019- April 2022 KA2 project; ooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; Strategic Partnerships fo...; +40213182564 There were 3 main types of activities implemented: - Activities of development, adaptation and imple...
ROMANIA 10 Agricultural course Face-to-face in Romania- București; Pitești; Târgoviște; Râmnicu Vâlcea; Slatina; Buzău; Crai... Professional New Consult 3 months Face-to-face course 0784.045.025; Identifying the specific location conditions of different field and fodder crops The supply of raw m...
BULGARIA 1 SofiaPlan - Development of Urban Agriculture Sofia, Bulgaria Sofiaplan, Sofia Municipality, 5 years and ongoing The practice is a digital map preprared by urban specialists who have identified arounD 1720 potenti... ;+359 2 920 68 62 An online resource that is created by urban professionals allowing UA enthusiasts and inititives to ...
BULGARIA 2 Urban Agriculture - as a strategy for improving the quality of life of urban communities Sofia- multiple locations BAN - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 6 years and ongoing Research stage - qualitative study of the socioeconomic, natural and institutional context of urban ... A research project that collected qualitative and quantitiave research on UA as well as the collecti...
BULGARIA 3 The Growing Classroom An organic garden in 107 "Khan Krum" primary school in Sofia 107 "Khan Krum" primary school 8 years and ongoing The garden is meant as an educational tool for children learning how to grown and take care of diffe... +359 896 860 640 The Growing Classroom is a school garden project used an educational tool for interactive learning o...
BULGARIA 4 Organic Garden Vitosha "Vitosha" neighbourhood in Sofia right next to a block of flats The garden is ran by the community in the neighbourhood Since June 2014 Permaculture practice for veggies, herbs and others A city garden project and a great example of grass-roots movement that recognises the importance of ...
BULGARIA 5 BioGarden In the city of Sofia and Dobrich in Bulgaria The garden is led by AGROLINK - an association experts in agriculture supporting organic farming and creating spaces and communities for the practice of agriculture and UA Since 2012 There are a lot of lessons also accessible online that have been built around the garden: Environmen... An initiative for keeping a garden and growing plants for children so that they learn the ways of na...
BULGARIA 6 Garden for Fellowship Sofia, Bulgaria "Gorichka"(a NGO for driving UA, promoting the circular economy and a climate group) and the local community taking care of the garden Since 2021 Except growing profuce, the community has a management committee and a monthly meeting, an accountan... Gentrification of 200 square meters of land that used be an unregulated car park and owned by the mu...
BULGARIA 7 Experimental field Vrazhdebna Sofia, Bulgaria The University of Forestry N/A Practical courses in viticulture, fruit-growing, vegetable growing, plant growing, general agricultu...; +359 888 237 003 The Vrazhdebna Training and experimental Field Centre of the University of Forestry is located on an...
BULGARIA 8 CityZen Project 6 locations in Sofia, Bulgaria and in other partner countries on the project ARC Fund (Bulgaria) from August 2019 to July 2023 Creating vertical gardens with handy tools which are easy to maintain and suitable for indoor, offic... CityZen responds to the growing number of cities and regions that recognize the benefits of urban fa...
BULGARIA 9 Urban Agriculture - 3C Humana Varna Varna, Bulgaria HUMANA People to People Bulgaria Since 2020 and ongoing Urban agriculture for enthusiasts 3C is a programme run by HUMANA People to People Bulgaria (as part of the international HUMANA netwo...
BULGARIA 10 Multi Kulti Garden Sofia, Bulgaria Multi Kulti NGO In 2019 UA for bulgarians and foreigners or immigrants to connect through nature Multi Kulti Garden is an open and democratic place for a meeting between Bulgarians and foreigners, ...
BULGARIA 11 Shared Veggie garden Sofia, Bulgaria Local Volunteers 2020 growing seasonal produce The veggie garden is based in a big neighbourhood and as well having the locals engage with other UA...
CROATIA 1 Asociation BIO-VRT Novo Selo Rok near Čakovec, Croatia Civil society organization BIO VRT Since 2006 Outreach and online training, education for schools and studenst as well as for individuals. Providi... Association Biovrt - In Harmony with Nature inspires and educates about living in harmony with natur...
CROATIA 2 Community Eco Gardens Koprivnica, Croatia Kopriva Association (manages city gardens for a period of 10 years) The initiative started in 2013, and the gardens were opened on April 30, 2014, following the example of gardens in Varaždin. Approximately 30% of the association members are young people. Among the garden plot users, around 1... Eco gardens located on city land, managed by the association for a duration of 10 years. They consis... Field visit
CROATIA 3 LJeko VITA Budućnost Knin, Croatia Ecological Association Krka Knin December 01, 2022 Education of primary school students and college students Through this project, we aim to enable students to engage in more independent learning and acquire n... Direct contact and interview
CROATIA 4 PLANTaža Association Osijek, Croatia PLANTaža Association Established 2014 The association consists mainly of young individuals from various professions, united by friendship ... The main goal of the association is to promote ecology, encourage creativity, and design activities ... Direct contact and interview
CROATIA 5 Greenville Eco-Educational Garden Samobor, Croatia The Association for Sustainable Development Pozitiva Samobor Greenville 2021, Pozitiva Association 2011 The garden is meant as an educational tool for youth and others interested in urban eco-agriculture ... romina@pozitivasamobor.h An ecological garden with raised beds and STEM equipment (robot FarmBot) Field visit and interview
CROATIA 6 Garden of Association of the Blind of Sisak-Moslavina Count Sisak, Croatia Association of the Blind of Sisak-Moslavina County Since January, 2021 An urban garden with the aim of promoting healthy living and involving vulnerable groups in activiti... The goal of the association is to increase the organic production of various vegetables and help i... Field visit and interview
CROATIA 7 Magda's Garden Križevci, Croatia Križevci Gardeners Association "Magda" (Udruga križevačkih vrtlara Magda) The gardens have existed since 2016, with city gardens in the area dating back over 50 years. The association was founded in 2022. Promotion of healthy living and urban gardening. Exchange of knowledge and education of young people... City gardens managed by the association. The association oversees the gardens for a period of 5 year... Field visit and interview
CROATIA 8 "School Botanical Garden of Mediterranean Plants" Split, Skalice Elementary School, Croatia Sunce, Association for Nature, Environment, and Sustainable Development Since December 2021 (January 11, 2021 - January 10, 2022 - project duration) Yes, all 5 participants in the project are young individuals united by their love for the environmen... The project "School Botanical Garden of Mediterranean Plants" is an innovative initiative for the ci... Direct contact and interview
CROATIA 9 Zeleni inkubator (Green Incubator) Zagreb, Croatia Zeleni Inkubator Since 2022 Education and upbringing of students, direct field combined with online education An urban garden in the heart of Zagreb, dedicated to Permaculture practices, offering practical gar... Field visit
CROATIA 10 Zeleni Klik and EKOEkipa Prečko Zagreb, Croatia Zeleni Klik Since 2012 (registered in 2013) People, including young individuals, engage in gardening and permaculture due to their belief in the... "Green Click! is an association founded in 2013, emerging alongside the civic initiative Eco Team Pr... Field visit
CROATIA 11 ZMAG Association (Green Network of Activist Groups) Activities are conducted at the association's location Recycled Estate in Vukomerić, in the cities ... ZMAG Association Since 1997 (registered in 2002) A large number of young people participate in the activities, especially educational ones. Many stud... Green Network of Activist Groups (ZMAG) is an association that brings together organic gardeners, pr... Field visit
CROATIA 12 School Gardens in Croatia Throughout Croatia Various number of schools and kindergartens The development of school gardens can be traced back to the mid-19th century and even earlier. Various primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, and other educational institutions (boarding schools, universities, etc.) School gardens are primarily seen as spaces that need to be shaped to serve for education and upbrin... Desk research
CYPRUS 1 Gardens of the Future Nicosia The idea was inspired by a team of young people (challengers, pioneers, social entrepreneurs), who have joined forces to become ambassadors of sustainable change. 4 years (since May 2019) Face to face trainings / online educative mobile app that provides advice on sustainable methods of... Gardens of the Future is a collective initiative that succeded to install a pilot garden, where food...
CYPRUS 2 Voroklini Community Garden Vοroklini (Larnaca district) Between Us Cyprus & Community Council of Voroklini 14 months (since 31/05/22) Face to face combined with online learning to engage the students in agriculture, encouraging th... The project is based on the belief that students should develop environmental consciousness very ea...
CYPRUS 3 Grand Friend (KA2 EU project) Germany, Cyprus, Poland, Greece Citizens in Power, Learning 4 Youth, The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre, KMOP-Education and Innovation Hub, Challedu 24 months (31 December 2022 - 30 December 2024) KA2 EU programme that incorporates Intergenerationl Learning, hands-on and online learning (AgroLabs... The project recognises that bringing different generations together to strengthen each other’s eco...
CYPRUS 4 Green STEAM Incubator Cyprus, Portugal, Belgium C.I.P. Citizens In Power (CYPRUS; applicant) Center for Social Innovation (CYPRUS) CEPROF (PORTUGAL) LogoPsyCom (BELGIUM) 24 months (01 March 2020 - 28 February 2022) The project promoted a cross-sectoral, collaborative scientific learning experience addressed to yo... In light of the low participation of youth in agribusinesses and the ongoing need for innovation in ...
CYPRUS 5 Cluster Cyprus, Spain, Italy, France, Jordan, Palestine, Tunisia European Institute of the Mediterranean. From 01.09.2021 to 31.08.2023 a) Online training: covering four sector-specific topics (Aquaponics, Hydroponics, Sustainable Food ... The project seeks to: a) help women and young people (18-30 age range) who are not in education, emp...
ITALY 1 Là dove c’era l’erba…I giovani di Rimini per la Biodiversità Rimini Rimini Municipality 5 months in 2016 Participation in an innovative co-design process, through various experimental activities, related t...;
ITALY 2 Greenmore Milan Coldiretti Giovani Impresa + European Institute of Design of Milano 2015 (four months workshop) Creation of an app that can coordinate cultivation and harvesting activities, but not only that. In ... The app allows users to browse nearby gardens that need labor; meet other farmers and date each othe...;
ITALY 3 Vertical Farming Milan Agricola Moderna The company was inaugurated in 2018 Production of salads grown indoors in hydroponics Agricola Moderna is a modern expanding vertical farm producing zero pesticide and nickel free baby l...;
ITALY 4 Le Serre dei Giardini Margherita Bologna Kilowatt Since 2013 A regenerated space and hybrid cultural center within the Giardini Margherita, Bologna, which comes ... Chi siamo - Le Serre (
ITALY 5 NONNET: orti urbani digitali Pontecagnano (SA), Eboli (SA), Succibo (CE) Legambiente Campania Onlus - Fondazione Mondo Digitale 2013 Free allocation of city gardens to retired citizens who grow them for their own use together with sc... Within the gardens, alongside cultivation and environmental training, there are the Ortoline, online...;
ITALY 6 Ru:rban Rome (Lead partner); Caen - France Coruna - Spain Krakow - Poland Loures - Portugal Thessaloniki - G... Roma Capitale 01/04/2018 01/06/2021 Transfer of good practices. The thematic elements of good practices: capacity building in organizing... The project included urban local group, urban gardens study visits in the different cities, transnat...
ITALY 7 FoodWave 16 cities: Marcieux, Milan, Turin, Rome, Manchester, London, Bruxelles, Bruges, Molenbeek, Almere, M... Municipality of Milan 2019-2023 Development of a campaign to raise awareness and engage the public, particularly young people, on th... 3 pillars and 13 actions: ...;;
ITALY 8 Glean Greece, Spain, Italy Centro studi analisi di psicologia e sociologia applicata (Italy) 2014-2016 Erasmus+ ka2 The GLEAN project addressed the significant increase in NEET youth rates in Europe through a trainin...
ITALY 9 UrbanFarm2021 Bologna, Naples, Romainville University of Bologna One year International student challenge with the aim of designing 3 urban agricolture projects in 3 cities. The competition involves international students from university with the aim at designing innovative...
ITALY 10 NEETezza Urbana Naples, Cosenza Municipality of Naples single training course with a duration of 200 hours the training courses (which include general training, specific training and technical-practical work... Municipality of Cosenza; Municipality of Naples It is intended to create training pathways that aim to enhance a key resource that is currently unta...
PORTUGAL 1 Telheiras allotment garden Lisbon, Portugal Municipality of Lisbon 2011-2012 Stormwater and rainfall management and storage; Green space creation; Air quality improvement; Soil ... The Municipality of Lisbon launched an urban garden project at the Horticultural Park of Telheiras i...
PORTUGAL 2 HortaFCUL Lisbon, Portugal Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL) 2009-present Horticulture; aromatic herbs and fruit trees plantation ; C2 Building, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Campo Grande, Lisbon, Portugal HortaFCUL is a project founded and maintained by people from the University of Lisbon's Faculty of S...
PORTUGAL 3 Park and Allotment garden Aquilino Ribeiro Machado Lisbon, Portugal Câmara Municipal, Junta de Freguesia and National Civil Engineering Laboratory 2016-2017 farming and gardening The Aquilino Ribeiro Machado garden and horticultural park, named after the first mayor of Lisboa fo...
PORTUGAL 4 Organic Vegetable Gardens in the Porto Region Porto, Portugal Greater Porto Metropolitan Waste Management Service, LIPOR 2004-2012 vegetable garden creation, organic farming This NBS is part of the "Horta à Porta" (allotments at the door) plan, which improves the economic,...
PORTUGAL 5 The 100,000 trees project Porto, Portugal CRE.Porto 2011-2018 Planting trees The FUTURE is a planned and coordinated effort of various organisations and citizens to create and m...
PORTUGAL 6 Olive Trees Garden/ “Fifth Façade Project” (PQAP) Porto, Portugal Portuguese Association for Green Roofs (ANCV) 2013-2013 planting olive trees (00351) 931 645 040, The "Olive Trees Garden" is an oasis of 50 olive trees and beautiful grass on top of a semi-open gal...
PORTUGAL 7 Solidarity Community Gardens Sintra, Portugal Municipality of Sintra 2017-ongoing create small gardens in urban areas. The municipality of Sintra authorised the municipal Solidarity Gardens Programme in 2017, with the g...
PORTUGAL 8 Granja horticultural park Lisbon, Portugal Lisboa City Hall 2011-2011 urban agriculture, creating several allotment parks. The Lisboa City Hall began developing an urban agriculture policy in 2007, and numerous allotment pa...
PORTUGAL 9 Square of Alcântara Lisbon, Portugal Municipality of Lisbon 2017 planting trees, creating green space areas The reconstruction of Alcantara Square is part of the Municipality of Lisbon's A SQUARE IN EVERY NEI...
PORTUGAL 10 Residential Vertical Gardens Lisbon, Portugal Buildings With Arts Contractors-Construoeiras 2009-2012 vegetation, creating a vertical garden, with around 4500 plants. 351 21 393 0852; Av. Defensores de Chaves 52, 1000-142 Lisboa, Portugalia The vertical gardens were put on a home that has layered vegetation on both of its street-facing fac...